Illustration Friday "& More!"

I just finished making a car ad where all of the equipment ended with "& More!" so that's stuck in my head. Plus I'm once again sick in the lungs. I guess that's what I get for inhaling so much battery acid when I was younger. Stupid lung damage. Anyhow, here is my Illustration Friday entry for the week:

No record of the steps I took this time. Sorry. However, if you REALLY like it you can buy it on a card along with five others that look just like it here: "Spring Zombie" greeting cards

Now for the "& More!"

At least a month back, probably longer, Heather suggested a couple of things for me to draw. One of them sparked an idea immediately but it took me until last night to get around to making it. In that time the idea changed. A lot. She said when she gave it to me that it has something to do with Neil Gaiman's book "American Gods" and that I would understand it once I read the book. It's on my list. It's a long list. Her suggestion was "My favorite color is dead" and here is my visual interpretation of it:

As usual, images grow bigger when clicked and comments are welcome.


Lou said…
Oh man! You got me good. I thought you were going soft on us until I scrolled down and saw the second image with the Zombie. I feel much better now.

Anyway, great drawings today. Love the card and the fine interpretation of "American Gods."
Anonymous said…
Both pictures are wicked sweet.
Derek Knight said…
the "my favorite color is dead" illustration may well be pure genius.
Anonymous said…
Aw the zombie looks so cute with a flower on top of his head. The "my favorite color is dead" rocks!
Anonymous said…
You should put the crayon one in your store. You have some neat stuff there.
Collin said…
lou: Nah. I have too much creepy brains to go terribly sentimental. I'm glad you liked them.

Trev: Thanks!

Derek: Better than "E is for excommunication"?

Squatchy: I plan on adding it at some point. Not much of a hurry really. Unless you wanna buy it, in which case it'll be up tomorrow.
Anonymous said…
I would love to buy it, but pay day is not until the 25th. So you still have time. :) I was looking at a lot of your stuff. Very interesting.
Anonymous said…
I found this awhile ago and thought you might like one...
Tony Sarrecchia said…
Love the card. Great job. There just aren't enough Zombie cards out there.
Wacky spring images!
Nothing like the aroma of decay in the air to open up the ol' airways. Love the those cute crayons. Very sharp!
Collin, maybe I asked this before, but how can I do a gradient (gradiAnt?) transparency in Photoshop? There's got to be a way to do perfectly smooth graded fade-in/out in Photoshop. I can't figure it out.
Heather said…
I love the zombie crayon!!! I love his full cheeks and the crumbs...

And the spring zombie is way cool as well!!
TXArtcGal said…
Your work always tickles my fancy! LOL! GREAT "spring"..and LOVE the crayons!!!
BRSmith said…
Hello, nice to see this and the more medical blog too. My own small but perfectly formed contribution to the genre can be found under my name in case you can be bothered :-)

Tricky Trev said…
Great illos. I like your style. Plus, you seem sick. And that, well, that's cool.

Stay ill with the illustrations...
OMG! I LOVE the Zombie stuff! Almost even enough to use the number and the bracket to make that little shape... *grins*

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