Finally, a drawing... of sorts.

Illustration Friday: "Phobia"

Illustration Friday:

Very fast and very dirty.

Special thanks to: The Phobia List


LOL funny, I love the spider with that little clown hat, and the victim of all this phobia has a perfect expression of fear. Great illo!
Jenn said…
Just the way we like it Collin. We don't need any foreplay! hehee
Unknown said…
awesome illo!
Anonymous said…
Nothing's scarier than a spider clown!
Pat Angello said…
I better not show this to KT - I think she has that fear as well. She's still having nightmares about your evil knife-weilding clown monkey!
Derek Knight said…
oh shit. Spider Clowns?

georg said…
Hi - it's the ultimate phobia, I think? Now - I think, maybee if that spider would scream, it would not be so good, if he had acousticphobia (fear of high sounds) too.

Poor, poor fellow - and thanks for a good grin!
Anonymous said…
I knew spiders did the tightrope, but clowns? I guess you learn something new everyday.
Heather said…
I'm really surprised it didn't say "Heather suffers from blah blah phobia." That's everything I hate!!
Anonymous said…
Spider clowns can be terrifying. lol.
This is fantastic!

But is it odd that before the image was fully loaded (I'm on dial-up, it all takes ages) I had already figured out the phobia based on the techno-babble? WHat nomral person knows that stuff?

Oh wait... maybe I've been to that site before... hehe.

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