My first book!

Hah. Not really. I've assembled all of my CliparToons from 2005 into a PDF that you can get for free here: CliparToons 01-63 and 3.pdf.

In it I talk about some of the comics, and say nothing about most of them.

This is the first PDF book that I've made. If anyone has any problems with it, let me know and I'll see if I can fix it.

Have a great week.


Derek Knight said…

Some of those were so funny...I miss them. You know the difference between you and a "successful" blogger? You know when to stop beating a dead horse.

Kind of. I mean, I KNOW we gots more shitty clipart layin' around...I think you quit well before it was time.
Lou said…
Those are some good ones!

If you want to convert that to hardback book, Qoop by Flickr, BookSmart by Blurb, and iPhoto by Apple have had some pretty good reviews. I may get some of my photos bound in a book (through Blurb) once I get the time to compile them.

Just a thought.
Collin said…
Derek: Perhaps. We'll see what the new year holds.

Lou: The main problem with creating a hardbound book version of the comics is that the resolution is quite low, particulary the first 20 or so. I'm pretty sure they would print blurry. I'd also heard some good things about

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