Illustration Friday: "Dance"

Wow. To think, I put off something as fertile for my brain as "Jungle" and wound up with "Dance" the following week. Well, at least my weekend was fantastic and Heather and I won Pat's "Top 11" contest.

Dance. Hmmm.

Okay. Here you go:

And the initial sketch:

It was fast and dirty, but it's done. Later in the week I'll be possibly dissecting some spam or writing about how I received a cease and desist letter from Hormell's lawyers a few weeks ago. Also, don't forget, Derek's and my next podcast will be up tomorrow. In it I confess to horrible, soul rending things I've done in the long gone past. It should be a hoot.


Sorrel Sparks said…
Nice! I bet Death is very good at dancing. Really like your bold style, very clean and clear!
Anonymous said…
Nice it made me laugh!
Amy Zaleski said…
Hehe, funny stuff! It's cool to see the sketch to digital transition as well. Great job!
Pat Angello said…
Nothing like the death worm!

Congrats again, you brilliant freak!
Derek Knight said…
completely awesome.
Heather said…
hee hee. I love it! Death should be on the next Dancing With The Stars.
Heather said…
I don't think you ever told me about the "tippling." I should be shocked and appalled...actually, I am...but I still love you. :)
Anonymous said…
Death does a mean Toxic Waltz too.
xenos said…
well done. held true to your initial sketch. i know that isn't always the case whenever i start a piece. funny idea too.
TXArtcGal said…
I can hear those bones slamming now!! Awesome job, as usual!

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