Don't say I never share anything wonderful with you.

The One Hundred: The Whole Enchilada

Found via Defective Yeti.

Okay, fine, if you aren't a game player it may not be that wonderful, but I like it.


Derek, thanks for the link to The One Hundred. Just a note for all those non-gamer-y types reading along at home... this is a list compiled by 65 game player/collectors, so stuff you might expect (Monopoly, Chess, Stratego, etc.) doesn't show up there, while a lot of unusual games (many from overseas) do. It's worth your time if you enjoy games at all to read the whole blog and get a feel for some of the really great stuff that's out there.

BTW, yes, this is kind of a shill post. I'm the guy who runs The One Hundred blogsite. :-)
Collin said…
Hey, no sweat! Only it's Collin that posted the link and not Derek. He was complaining to me here at work that the list didn't have 'Stratego' and out of the entire thing he's played 5 of them. Whereas I've played... um... 7 or so. I'm always on the lookout for fun games though.
Conqueress said…
Collin, you ROCK! I love his list - - and intend to use it for finding more games. If you and yer honey are ever interested in joining my husband and I for game nights, let me know. We have them at our house once a month, and between us and our friends there always new adventures to try. Thanks!!!

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