Found at Defective Yeti.

Instructions found at DY:

How to find your URL ABCs: Type the letter 'a' into your location bar, copy the first URL that your browser autosuggests as a completion, and paste it into the corresponding field below. Repeat for letters 'b' through 'z'. You may add a comments as well, but they are not required. You can skip a letter if you'd like, or you can supply a comment for a letter even if you omit its URLs (to explain that nothing came up for that particular letter, for instance). When you are done, click 'Format My URL ABCs' and this script will return the HTML code you can paste in the comments of the URL ABCs post , use on your own site, or print it out and enclose it with your next Kelly Osbourne fan letter. Whatever.

My sad list:

And there you go. Give it a shot for yourself.


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