
Showing posts from 2004


I seem to be on Satan's spam list.

Very interesting

I was thinking...

Surprise! Another sign!

Random Observation (of FUN!)

One more sign

Look at me cop out...

I got this at lunch:

What was I thinking?

The long and winding post...

Last post of the day goes to:

An enjoyable story, although a tinch short.

Because I'm lazy.

It's just one of those days.

Can I take the heat?

Un-freaking-believable... Oh, and Happy Monday!

Bugger this for a lark. I'm off!

Okay, this doesn't count as a post,

Since you aren't doing anything this weekend*...

No time for funny today...

Yeah. That's no good.

A quickie. Enjoy.

Re: A slight redesign of my header.

Sears: The Odyssey

Well. That was embarrassing.

A quick thwack to the back of the noggin.

I do believe

I love this...

Coinkydinky Day

I'm SO honored.


I loved it. Really, I did.

Those were the days my friend

This might keep you busy

You would think

This has to be

Minor update:

Since I have nothing for you today,

One person's nightmare...

If you happen to need it:

Answering questions: part 2

That clears all that up.

Yet more rant! I'm in a mood, can you tell?

This is keeping in with yesterday's posts

And breaking news!

And this too:

And more annoyance

An addendum to micro-rant...

And now for a micro-rant!


Answering questions: part 1

What's this in my bag?

Deja Vu-doo 2

One more quick Halo 2 note.

It's Wednesday