PoE Project #6

Now I'm back to putting the PoE box on the bottom. I've had two more votes on its placement in my comments on the third one. The majority of opinion givers seems to think it's more fun seeing what I came up with first, and then finding out why I was so randomly insane. Sounds good to me! And would you look at those hands?! Sheer poetry in lines! Not lines of words, lines on paper. That aren't letters. Nevermind; bad analogy. It just goes to show what sitting around and thinking about doing something that you've put off for around 12 years can accomplish! Wow!

Click the pic to see some of the most amazingly lifelike and intricate balloon sculptures ever to put a smile on a dying child's lips and a twinkle in God's eye! Or an "Error 404" page not found message. Or a porn site that took over the domain name when the balloonie loonies' contract expired. I don't know.


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