I've got hiiiiigh hopes.

As if I needed something else to add to my general chaos of mental distraction, I've started another blog. A story blog, really. Zombie related, naturally. If you have a few minutes it would be great if you would head over there, give it a read and tell me what you think either here or there. Or both.

Zombie Blogger

Since it's a secondary site it won't be updated nearly as often as this one. For example, the first draft of the post was written back on the 12th. I just got around to finalizing it today. Go me.

I've also decided to set up a site for The Jolly Reaper Interview:

The Jolly Reaper

The remainder of the interview will be posted both here and there at the same time. Any new stories that take place in TJR's "universe" will only be posted there.

With all of this planned writing, I think that at some point it might not be a bad idea for me to learn how to write.


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